Babies rarely surrender their bottles easily — which is i reason why so many of tots continue to use one for long by the recommended 12 months of age.

But equally comforting and mess-free every bit bottles are, at that place are good reasons to kicking the habit by the age of 1. Older babies who are still drinking from bottles may be filling upward on liquids and skipping solids — something that could hinder their ability to take in of import nutrients.

If your baby takes the canteen to bed with her, she may also sip from it while lying down, which can increase her gamble of ear infections.

All the same, convincing your lilliputian one to kick the habit can be a struggle, especially considering, like many other attachment objects, the bottle has been a source of comfort for many months. Just remember that the weaning process is, well, a process — and that starting it when she'south 1 year old volition be much easier than trying it when she's closer to 2.

Once y'all think your child might be fix, use these strategies to assistance smoothen the transition.

When should you wean infant off the bottle?

Pediatricians and pediatric dentists say that babies should break the bottle habit at 12 months — and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends complete weaning from the bottle by 15 months at the latest.

How to wean a baby off the bottle

Quitting the bottle cold turkey may piece of work for a few babies, but for most, a gradual transition is all-time. That means phasing out ane feeding session at a time (morn or midday bottles may be easier to drop than evening ones) as you encourage your baby to potable from a sippy cup or open preparation cup. And so wait a few days or a week earlier you replace the next bottle.

Weaning off the canteen schedule

If your baby drinks three bottles a day, you tin attempt this schedule:

Week 1

  • Offer a cup in the morning instead of a canteen
  • Offering an afternoon canteen
  • Offer an evening bottle

Week 2

  • Offering a cup in the forenoon
  • Offering a cup in the afternoon instead of a bottle
  • Offer an evening bottle

Week iii

  • Offering a loving cup in the forenoon
  • Offer a cup in the afternoon
  • Offer a cup at dinner instead of a bottle

Week four

  • Offering a cup in the morning
  • Offer a loving cup in the afternoon
  • Offer a loving cup at dinner

Tips for transitioning to a loving cup from a bottle

Here's how to encourage your tot to take to her cup — and leave the canteen behind.

  • Fourth dimension the transition well.You'll exercise your infant (and yourself) a big favor past choosing the weaning moment wisely. Remember, her bottle may exist a big source of comfort for her, then don't brainstorm the process if she's sick, tired or hungry, or if a change in her routine (new babysitter, shift in day-care schedule or later on a move) has her stressed.
  • Take it slow.Put less breast milk or formula (for babies nether 1 yr) or moo-cow's milk (for babies over ane year) in your little one's bottle and top off each feeding with a loving cup. So, slowly subtract the amount of liquid in the bottle while increasing the amount of milk that she drinks from the cup.You might also endeavor only serving water in the bottle, one feeding at a fourth dimension, which may make your baby bored enough to surrender the canteen entirely — but don't be surprised if information technology doesn't practise the flim-flam. Weaning from the bottle may exist slow concern, and could take a month or more.
  • Pull upwards a chair.In one case your little i is sitting up in a high chair, attempt offering her some breast milk or formula out of a sippy cup or preparation cup at regular "mealtimes." This will assist her get used to eating her meals at the table — just similar her parents! Speaking of her parents, get ahead and take a sip from her cup, too. Babies love to practise what you lot do, so lead by example — "Yum, that tastes skillful!"
  • Hide the bottle. Out of sight, out of mind. Stashing that treasured bottle out of sight may assist your babe yearn for it less. Keep an array of tempting cups (brightly colored or graced with favorite characters) handy and in manifestly view, and experiment with different sipping options — some kids love straws, while others prefer spouts.
  • Be extra affectionate.Once you lot start weaning, yous'll need to replace the reassurance she got from her bottle with lots of extra love from you — that is, more than hugs, more than playtime and perchance an extra story at bedtime.

What should yous do if your baby refuses a cup?

Your baby probably won't have to her sippy loving cup or training cup without putting upwardly a fight, and so be patient. Reward her for a chore well done with plenty of praise ("You're drinking out of your big-girl cup!") and don't criticize her when she clings to her canteen.

And remember that the weaning process can have weeks — or even months — to complete, then hang in there.

If you oasis't been able to make any progress in transitioning to a loving cup after about a month or and then — or if your child is ii years old — call your doctor, who may be able to aid you make the transition.