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Will America Ever Have Professional President Again?

President Biden'south Country of the Union Accost

Madam Speaker, Madam Vice President, and our First Lady and 2d Admirer, members of Congress and the Cabinet, Justices of the Supreme Court, my boyfriend Americans: Last year, COVID-19 kept us apart. This year, we're finally together once more.

Tonight — tonight we meet as Democrats, Republicans, and independents, simply, most importantly, as Americans with a duty to one another, to America, to the American people, and to the Constitution, and an unwavering resolve that freedom will always triumph over tyranny.

Six — cheers. Six days ago, Russia'southward Vladimir Putin sought to milk shake the very foundations of the costless world, thinking he could make information technology bend to his menacing ways. But he desperately miscalculated. He idea he could ringlet into Ukraine and the earth would roll over. Instead, he met with a wall of force he never anticipated or imagined. He met the Ukrainian people.


From President Zelenskyy to every Ukrainian, their fearlessness, their courage, their conclusion literally inspires the earth. Groups of citizens blocking tanks with their bodies. Everyone from students to retirees, to teachers turned soldiers defending their homeland.

And in this struggle — President Zelenskyy said in his spoken language to the European Parliament, "Calorie-free volition win over darkness."

The Ukrainian Administrator to the United States is here tonight sitting with the First Lady. Let each of us, if you're able to stand up, stand up and send an unmistakable indicate to the earth and Ukraine. Thank y'all. Thank you, cheers, thank you.

She's brilliant, she's stiff, and she'due south resolved.

Aye. We, the Us of America, stand with the Ukrainian people.

Throughout our history, nosotros've learned this lesson: When dictators practise not pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos; they keep moving; and the costs, the threats to the America — and America, to the world keeps rising.

That'due south why the NATO Alliance was created: to secure peace and stability in Europe subsequently World War Two.

The U.s. is a member, forth with 29 other nations. It matters. American diplomacy matters. American resolve matters.

Putin'due south latest attack on Ukraine was premeditated and totally unprovoked. He rejected repeated efforts at diplomacy.

He thought the West and NATO wouldn't answer. He thought he could divide u.s. at home, in this chamber, in this nation. He thought he could split up u.s. in Europe as well.

But Putin was wrong. We are set. Nosotros are united. And that'south what nosotros did: Nosotros stayed united.

We prepared extensively and advisedly. We spent months building coalitions of other freedom-loving nations in Europe and the Americas to — from America to the Asian and African continents to confront Putin.

Like many of you, I spent countless hours unifying our European Allies.

We shared with the globe, in advance, what we knew Putin was planning and precisely how he would try to falsely and justify his aggression.

We countered Russia'due south lies with the truth. And now — now that he's acted, the free globe is property him accountable, along with 27 members of the European Matrimony — including France, Frg, Italian republic — as well as countries like the Britain, Canada, Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and many others. Fifty-fifty Switzerland are inflicting pain on Russia and supporting the people of Ukraine.

Putin is at present isolated from the world more than he has ever been.

Together. Together. Together, along with our Allies, we are right at present enforcing powerful economic sanctions. Nosotros're cutting off Russia's largest banks from the international financial system; preventing Russia's Central Bank from defending the Russian ruble, making Putin's $630 billion war fund worthless. Nosotros're choking Russian federation'due south access, nosotros're choking Russia'due south access to applied science that will sap its economic strength and weaken its military for years to come.

This evening, I say to the Russian oligarchs and the decadent leaders who've bilked billions of dollars off this violent regime: No more.

The United States — I hateful it. The United states of america Department of Justice is assembling a dedicated job force to get after the crimes of the Russian oligarchs.

Nosotros're joining with European Allies to find and seize their yachts, their luxury apartments, their private jets. We're coming for your sick-begotten gains.

Russian Oligarchs

And, this night, I'chiliad announcing that we will join our Allies in closing off American air space to all Russian flights, further isolating Russia and adding an additional squeeze on their economic system.

He has no thought what's coming.

The ruble has already lost 30 percent of its value, the Russian stock market has lost 40 per centum of its value, and trading remains suspended.

The Russian economic system is reeling, and Putin alone is the one to blame.

Together with our Allies, we're providing support to the Ukrainians in their fight for freedom: armed services assistance, economic assistance, humanitarian assistance. Nosotros're giving more than a billion dollars in directly assistance to Ukraine. And we'll go on to help the Ukrainian people as they defend their country and help ease their suffering.

Aid to Ukraine

But allow me exist clear: Our forces are not engaged and will not engage in the conflict with Russian forces in Ukraine. Our forces are not going to Europe to fight in Ukraine but to defend our NATO Allies in the event that Putin decides to keep moving w.

For that purpose, we have mobilized American army, air squadrons, ship deployments to protect NATO countries, including Poland, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, and Republic of estonia.

And as I've made crystal articulate, the U.s.a. and our Allies will defend every inch of territory that is NATO territory with the full forcefulness of our commonage ability — every single inch.

And we're clear-eyed. The Ukrainians are fighting dorsum with pure courage. But the next few days, weeks, and months volition be hard on them.

Putin has unleashed violence and chaos. But while he may make gains on the battlefield, he volition pay a continuing high price over the long run.

And a pound of Ukrainian people — the proud, proud people — pound for pound, set to fight with every inch of (inaudible) they have. They've known xxx years of independence — accept repeatedly shown that they volition not tolerate anyone who tries to take their country backwards.

To all Americans, I'll be honest with y'all, as I've ever promised I would exist. A Russian dictator infa- — invading a foreign country has costs around the globe. And I'k taking robust activity to make sure the pain of our sanctions is targeted at the Russian economy and that we utilize every tool at our disposal to protect American businesses and consumers.

Tonight, I can announce the U.s. has worked with 30 other countries to release lx meg barrels of oil from reserves around the world. America volition lead that try, releasing thirty one thousand thousand barrels of our own Strategic Petroleum Reserve. And we stand prepare to practise more if necessary, united with our Allies.

These steps volition help blunt gas prices here at abode. But I know news well-nigh what's happening tin seem alarming to all Americans. Merely I desire yous to know: We're going to exist okay. Nosotros're going to be okay.

When the history of this era is written, Putin's state of war on Ukraine volition have left Russia weaker and the rest of the earth stronger.

Putin'south War

While information technology shouldn't and while it shouldn't have taken something and then terrible for people around the world to see what's at stake, now anybody sees information technology clearly.

We run across the unity among leaders of nations, a more unified Europe, a more unified W.

We encounter unity among the people who are gathering in cities in large crowds effectually the world, even in Russia, to demonstrate their support for the people of Ukraine.

In the battle between democracy and autocracies, democracies are rising to the moment and the world is clearly choosing the side of peace and security.

This is the real test, and it's going to take time. So, allow usa keep to draw inspiration from the iron will of the Ukrainian people.

To our boyfriend Ukrainian Americans who forged a deep bail that connects our 2 nations: We stand up with yous. Nosotros stand with you.

Putin may circumvolve Kyiv with tanks, but he'll never gain the hearts and souls of Ukrainian people. He'll never — he'll never extinguish their beloved of liberty. And he will never, never weaken the resolve of the gratis earth.

We run into tonight in an America that has lived through 2 of the hardest years this nation has ever faced. The pandemic has been punishing. Then many families are living paycheck to paycheck, struggling to keep upward with the rise cost of nutrient, gas, housing, and so much more than.

I understand, like many of you did. My dad had to leave his habitation in Scranton, Pennsylvania, to detect work. So, like many of y'all, I grew upwards in a family when the price of food went upwardly, it was felt throughout the family; it had an affect.

That'southward why ane of the first things I did every bit President was fight to pass the American Rescue Programme, considering people were hurting. Nosotros needed to act and we did.

American Rescue Plan

American Rescue Plan

Few pieces of legislation have done more than at a critical moment in our history to elevator us out of a crisis. It fueled our efforts to vaccinate the nation and combat COVID-19. It delivered firsthand economic relief to tens of millions of Americans. It helped put food on the table. Retrieve those long lines of cars waiting for hours only to get a box of food put in their torso? It cut the cost of healthcare insurance. And as my dad used to say, it gave the people "just a piffling fleck of breathing room."

And unlike the $2 trillion tax cutting passed in the previous administration that benefitted the top 1 percent of Americans, the American Rescue Plan helped working people and left no one behind. And, folks — and it worked. It worked.

It worked and created jobs — lots of jobs. In fact, our economy created over vi.5 million new jobs merely concluding year, more jobs in one year than always before in the history of the Usa.

Economic Progress Study

Economic Progress Report

The economy grew at a rate of 5.7 last year — the strongest growth rate in 40 years and the beginning step in bringing cardinal modify to our economic system that hasn't worked for working people in this nation for too long.

For the past xl years, nosotros were told that tax breaks for those at the top and benefits would trickle downwardly and everyone would — would benefit.

Just that trickle-down theory led to a weaker economical growth, lower wages, bigger deficits, and a widening gap betwixt the tiptop and everyone else in the — in near a century.

Look, Vice President Harris and I ran for office — and I realize we have central disagreements on this — but ran for function with a new economic vision for America: invest in America; educate Americans; grow the workforce; build the economy from the bottom up and the eye out, not from the top down. Because we know when the middle class grows — when the middle class grows, the poor go way up and the wealthy do very well.

America used to take the best roads, bridges, and airports on Globe. And now our infrastructure is ranked 13th in the earth. We won't be able to compete for the jobs of the 21st century if nosotros don't set information technology.

That'south why it was then important to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. And I thank my Republican friends who joined to invest and rebuild America — the unmarried biggest investment in history.

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

It was a bipartisan attempt, and I want to thank the members of both parties who worked to go far happen. We're washed talking almost infrastructure weeks. We're now talking about an infrastructure decade.

And look, it'south going to — it's going to transform America to put us on a path to win the economic competition of the 21st century that we face with the rest of the earth, particularly China.

I've told 11 Jinping: It's never been a good bet to bet against the American people.

We'll create good jobs for millions of Americans — modernizing roads, airports, ports, waterways — all beyond America. And nosotros'll exercise it to withstand the devastating effects of climate crisis and promote environmental justice.

Nosotros'll build a national network of 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations; begin to supplant the poisonous lead pipes, so every child, every American has clean water to drink at domicile and at school.

We're going to provide — provide affordable high-speed Internet for every American — rural, suburban, urban, and Tribal communities. Four thousand projects accept already been announced. Many of yous have announced them in your districts.

And tonight, I'grand announcing that, this year, we will start fixing over 65,000 miles of highway and 1,500 bridges in disrepair.


Repairs Begin on 65k Highways

And, folks, when nosotros apply taxpayers' dollars to rebuild America, we're going to do it by ownership American. Buy American products. Back up American jobs.

The federal government spends about $600 billion a yr to keep this country safe and secure. In that location's been a law on the books for almost a century to make sure taxpayers' dollars support American jobs and businesses. Every administration — Democrat and Republican — says they'll exercise it, but we're actually doing it.

We'll buy America to make sure every — everything from the deck of an aircraft carrier to the steel on highway guardrails is made in America from beginning to end. All of information technology. All of it.

But, folks, to compete for the jobs of the hereafter, we as well need to level the playing field with Mainland china and other competitors. That's why it'due south so important to laissez passer the bipartisan Innovation Human action sitting in Congress that will make record investments in emerging technologies and American manufacturing.

Bipartisan Innovation Act

We used to invest almost 2 percent of our Gross domestic product in research and development. We don't now. Tin can't — Cathay is.

Permit me give you i example why it'south so important to laissez passer.

If you travel xx miles east of Columbus, Ohio, you'll observe a grand empty acres of country. It won't look like much. Simply if you lot finish and wait closely, y'all'll run across a "field of dreams" — the ground on which America's time to come will be built.

That's where Intel, the American company that helped build Silicon Valley, is going to build a $20 billion semiconductor "mega site." Upwards to eight land-of-the-art factories in i identify. 10 thou new jobs. And in those factories, the average task — about $135 — $135,000 a year.

Some of the most sophisticated manufacturing in the globe to make computer fries the size of a fingertip that power the world and everyday lives, from smartphones, engineering science that — the Net — applied science that's yet to exist invented.

Merely that'south merely the showtime.

Intel'south CEO, Pat Gelsinger, who is here tonight — and I don't know where Pat is. Pat? At that place you get, Pat. Stand up. Pat came to see me, and he told me they're ready to increment their investment from $20 billion to $100 billion.

That would be the biggest investment in manufacturing in American history. And all they're waiting for is for you lot to laissez passer this bill.

So, let'south not wait any longer. Send information technology to my desk, I'll sign information technology, and we will really take off in a big way.

And, folks, Intel is not solitary. There's something happening in America. Just look around, and you'll see an amazing story — the rebirth of pride that comes from stamping products "Made in America," the revitalization of American manufacturing.

Companies are choosing to build new factories here when just a few years ago, they would accept gone overseas. That's what is happening.

Ford is investing $11 billion in electric vehicles, creating 11,000 jobs beyond the country.

GM is making the largest investment in its history — $7 billion to build electric vehicles, creating 4,000 jobs in Michigan.

All told, 369,000 new manufacturing jobs were created in America last year alone.

Folks, powered by people I've met — similar JoJo Burgess from generations of union steelworkers in Pittsburgh, who's here with us tonight. Where are you, JoJo? At that place you go. Cheers, buddy.

As Ohio — as Ohio Sherrod Brownish says, "Information technology's time to bury the label 'Rust Chugalug.'" It's time to meet the — the — what used to be chosen the Rust Belt become the — the home of a significant resurgence of manufacturing.

And with all the vivid spots in our economy — record job growth, college wages — too many families are struggling to keep up with their bills.

Inflation is robbing them of gains they thought otherwise they would be able to feel.

I go it. That's why my top priority is getting prices nether control.


I get it. That's why my top priority is getting prices under control.

Expect, our economy roared back faster than almost anyone predicted, merely the pandemic meant that businesses had a hard time hiring enough people because of the pandemic to go on upwards production in their factories. So, yous didn't have people making those beams that went into buildings because they were out — the factory was airtight.

The pandemic as well disrupted the global supply concatenation. Factories close. When that happens, information technology takes longer to brand goods and go them to the warehouses, to the stores, and get — prices go up.

Await at cars terminal yr. Ane third of all the inflation was because of automobile sales. There weren't enough semiconductors to make all the cars that people wanted to buy.

And approximate what? Prices of automobiles went way upwardly, particularly used vehicles besides.

And and so, nosotros have a choice.

One manner to fight inflation is to drive down wages and make Americans poorer.

I think I take a better idea to fight inflation: Lower your costs, not your wages.

And, folks, that means make more cars and semiconductors in America, more infrastructure and innovation in America, more than appurtenances moving faster and cheaper in America, more jobs where you can earn a good living in America.

Instead of relying on foreign supply chains, let's make it in America.

Wait, economists call this increasing the productive capacity of our economic system.

I telephone call information technology building a amend America.

Building a Improve America

My programme to fight aggrandizement will lower your costs and lower the deficit. Seventeen Nobel laureates in economics said my plan will ease long-term inflationary pressures. Top business leaders and, I believe, well-nigh Americans back up the programme.

And here'southward the program.

Start, cut the cost of prescription drugs. We pay more for the same drug produced by the same company in America than any other country in the world.

Simply look at insulin. Ane in 10 Americans has diabetes. In Virginia, I met a 13-yr-onetime boy — the handsome boyfriend standing upwards there, Joshua Davis. He and his dad both have Blazon 1 diabetes, which ways they need insulin every unmarried day.

Insulin costs near $x a vial to make. That'due south what it costs the — the pharmaceutical visitor. But drug companies accuse families similar Joshua and his dad upward to 30 times that amount.

I spoke with Joshua'due south mom. Imagine what it's like to look at your kid who needs insulin to stay healthy and have no idea how in God'due south proper name you're going to exist able to pay for it — what it does to your family, but what it does to your dignity, your ability to look your child in the centre, to be the parent you lot expect yourself to be. I really mean information technology. Recall about that. That'south what I call back about.

You know, yesterday — Joshua is hither this night, simply yesterday was his birthday. Happy altogether, buddy, by the way.

For Joshua and 200,000 other young people with Type i diabetes, let's cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month so anybody can beget it. And drug companies will do very, very well — their profit margin.

Cost of Insulin

And while we're at information technology — I know we have keen disagreements on this flooring with this — let'due south allow Medicare negotiate the cost of prescription drugs. They already set the price for VA drugs.

Look, the American Rescue Plan is helping millions of families on Affordable Care Human activity plans to save them $ii,400 a year on their health premiums. Let's shut the coverage gap and make those savings permanent.

And 2nd, let's cut energy costs for families an average of $500 a year by combatting climate modify.

Allow's provide an investment and taxation credit to weatherize your home and your business to exist energy efficient and get a revenue enhancement credit for it; double America's make clean energy production in solar, wind, and and then much more than; lower the price of electric vehicles, saving another $80 a month that you've non going to accept to pay at the pump.

Energy Efficiency

Folks — 3rd — the third thing nosotros can do to alter the standard of living for hardworking folks is cut the cost of childcare. Cut the price of childcare.

Folks, if you lot live in a major city in America, you can pay up to $fourteen,000 a year for childcare per child.

I was a single dad for five years, raising two kids. I had a lot of help, though. I had a mom, a dad, a brother, and sister that really helped.

Merely centre-course and working folks shouldn't have to pay more than 7 percentage of their income to treat their young children.

My plan would cut the cost of childcare in half for most families and aid parents, including millions of women who left the workforce during the pandemic because they couldn't afford childcare to be able to get back to piece of work, generating economic growth.

Cost of Child Intendance

Only my plan doesn't stop there. It also includes dwelling and long-term care, more affordable housing, pre-Grand for three- and four-year-olds. All of these will lower costs to families.

And under my plan, nobody — let me say this once more — nobody earning less than $400,000 a twelvemonth volition pay an boosted penny in new taxes. Not a single penny.

I may be wrong, but my estimate is, if nosotros took a secret ballot in this floor, that we'd all agree that the present taxation system own't off-white. We have to fix information technology.

I'thou not looking to punish anybody, but allow's make corporations and wealthy Americans start paying their fair share.

Expect, last year — like Chris Coons and Tom Carper and my distinguished congresswoman — we come from the state of corporate America. In that location are more than corporations incorporated in Delaware than every other state in America combined. And I still won 36 years in a row. The point is: Fifty-fifty they understand they should pay merely a fair share.

Last year, 55 of the Fortune 500 companies earned $40 billion in profit and paid nil in federal taxes.

No, look, information technology'south not off-white. That's why I proposed a xv per centum minimum tax charge per unit for corporations.

We've got — and that's why in the G7 and other meetings overseas nosotros were able to put together — I was able to be somewhat helpful — 130 countries to concur on a global minimum tax rate — so companies tin't go out of paying their taxes at habitation by shipping jobs and factories overseas. Information technology'll raise billions of dollars.

And that's why I've proposed endmost loopholes for the very wealthy who don't pay — who pay a lower taxation rate than a teacher and a firewoman.

So that's my plan. But nosotros take — we'll go into more detail later.

I'm going to grow — nosotros will abound the economic system, lower the costs to families.

So, what are we waiting for? Let's become this done. We all know we've got to make changes.

Folks, and while yous're at information technology, confirm my nominees for the Federal Reserve which plays a critical role in fighting aggrandizement.

My plan will not only lower costs and give families a fair shot, it will lower the deficit.

The previous administration not simply ballooned the deficit with those tax cuts for the very wealthy and corporations, it undermined the watchdogs — the chore of those to keep pandemic relief funds from being wasted. Remember nosotros had those debates nearly whether or not those watchdogs should be able to run across, every twenty-four hour period, how much money was beingness spent, where it — was it going to the right place?

In my administration, the watchdogs are back. And we're going after the criminals who stole billions of relief money meant for pocket-size business and millions of Americans.

Pandemic Fraud

And tonight, I'g announcing that the Justice Department volition before long proper noun a chief prosecutor for pandemic fraud.

And, look I recall we all agree — thank yous — by the terminate of this year, the arrears will be down to less than one-half what information technology was earlier I took part — the just President always to cutting the deficit by more than than $1 trillion in a single yr.

Lowering your costs also meant demanding more contest. I'm a capitalist, merely commercialism without competition is not capitalism. Commercialism without competition is exploitation. Information technology drives up prices.

When corporations have to compete, their profits become up and your prices go up — when they don't have to compete.

Pocket-size businesses and family unit farmers and ranchers — I need not tell some of my Republican friends from those states — estimate what? You got four basic meatpacking facilities. That's information technology. You play with them or you lot don't become to play at all. And you pay a hell of a lot more — a hell of a lot more considering there'due south but four.

Run across what'southward happening with ocean carriers moving goods in and out of America. During the pandemic, nigh half a dozen or less foreign-endemic companies raised prices past every bit much equally i,000 percent and fabricated record profits.

Tonight, I'm announcing a crackdown on those companies overcharging American businesses and consumers.

Folks and as Wall Street firms take over more nursing homes, quality in those homes has gone downwards and costs take gone up. That ends on my watch.

Medicare is going to fix higher standards for nursing homes and make sure your loved ones get the intendance they deserve and that they expect, and they volition await at that closely.

We're also going to cut costs to continue the economy going strong and giving workers a fair shot; provide more preparation and apprenticeships; hire them based on skills, not just their degrees.

Permit's pass the Paycheck Fairness Act and paid leave raise the minimum wage to $xv an hr; and extend the Kid Tax Credit so no one has to enhance a family unit in poverty.

Paycheck Fairness Human activity

Let's increment Pell Grants; increase our historic back up for HBCUs; and invest in what Jill, our Offset Lady, who teaches full-fourth dimension, calls America'south best-kept hole-and-corner: customs colleges.

Wait, let's pass the PRO Human action. When a majority of workers desire to course a union, they shouldn't be able to be stopped.

When we invest in our workers and we build an economy from the bottom up and the centre out, together we tin practise something we haven't done in a long time: build a better America.

For more than than two years, COVID has impacted every decision in our lives and the life of this nation. And I know you're tired, frustrated, and exhausted. That doesn't even count the shut to a million people who sit down at a dining room tabular array or a kitchen table and await at an empty chair considering they lost somebody.

But I likewise know this: Because of the progress we've made, because of your resilience and the tools that nosotros have been provided by this Congress, tonight I tin can say we're moving forward safely, dorsum to a norm- — more than normal routines.

We've reached a new moment in the fight confronting COVID-19 where astringent cases are down to a level not seen since July of last year.

But a few days agone, the Center for Illness Control and Prevention issued a new mask guidelines. Under the new guidelines, virtually Americans in almost of the country can now go mask costless.

And based on projections — and based on projections, more of the country will reach a point beyond — that indicate across the next couple of weeks.

And thanks to the progress we've made in the by twelvemonth, COVID-19 no longer need control our lives. I know some are talking about "living with COVID-19." Just tonight, I say that we never will only take living with COVID-19; we'll go along to gainsay the virus equally nosotros exercise other diseases.

And considering this virus mutates and spreads, nosotros have to stay on guard. And here are four common sense steps as we move frontwards safely, in my view:


Beginning, stay protected with vaccines and treatments. Nosotros know how incredibly effective vaccines are. If you're vaccinated and additional, you have the highest caste of protection, and we'll never give up on vaccinating more Americans.

Now, I know parents with kids under five are eager to see their vaccines authorized for their children. Scientists are working hard to get that done, and we'll exist set with enough of vaccines if and when they do.

We're already — nosotros are also ready with anti-viral treatments. If you get COVID-nineteen, the Pfizer pill reduces your chances of ending up in the infirmary by 90 pct.

I've ordered more pills than anyone in the earth has. Pfizer is working overtime to get us a 1000000 pills this month and more than double that next month.

And now we're launching the "Test to Treat" initiative and so people can go tested at a pharmacy and, if they testify positive, receive the antiviral pills on the spot at no toll.

And folks if you're immunocompromised or have some other vulnerability, we have treatments and free loftier-quality masks.

We're leaving no one behind or ignoring anyone's needs every bit we motility forward.

On testing, we've made hundreds of millions of tests available, and y'all can order them for free to your doorstep.

And we've already ordered free tests. If you already ordered costless tests, this evening I'm announcing you lot can order some other grouping of tests. COVID — get to, starting next week, and you can get more than tests.

Covid Tests

Order More Free Covid Tests On

Second, we must prepare for new variants.

Over the past — we've gotten much meliorate at detecting new variants. If necessary, we'll be able to deploy new vaccines within 100 days instead of maybe months or years. And if Congress provides the funds we need, we'll have new stockpiles of tests, masks, pills ready if needed.

I can't promise a new variant won't come, but I ca- — I can hope you we'll practise everything inside our power to be prepare if information technology does.

Tertiary, nosotros can end the shutdown of schools and businesses. Nosotros have the tools we need.

It's time for America to get back to work and fill our great downtowns once again with people. People working from home can feel safe and begin to render to their offices.

We're doing that here in the federal government. The vast bulk of federal workers volition one time once more work in person.

Our schools are open. Let's go on it that way. Our kids demand to exist in school.

With 75 percentage of developed Americans fully vaccinated and hospitalizations downward by 77 pct, most Americans tin can remove their masks and stay in the classroom and move frontward safely.

We achieved this because we provided free vaccines, treatments, tests, and masks. Of course, continuing this costs money, so it volition not surprise y'all I'll exist back to see y'all all. And re- — I'm going to soon send a request to Congress.

The vast majority of Americans accept used these tools and may want to once again — we may need them again. So I expect Congress — and I hope you'll laissez passer that quickly.

Fourth, we'll continue vaccinating the world. We've sent 475 million vaccine doses to 112 countries — more than any nation on Earth. We won't terminate, because you can't build a wall high enough to proceed out a —

A vaccine — the vaccine tin can end the spread of these diseases.

Y'all know, we've lost and so much in COVID-19. Time with one another. The worst of all, the much loss of life.

Let's use this moment to reset. So, finish looking at COVID as a partisan dividing line. Run across information technology for what it is: a God-awful affliction.

Let'due south stop sending — seeing each other equally enemies and start seeing each other for who we are: fellow Americans.

Covid-19 Reset

Expect we can't alter how divided we've been. That was a long fourth dimension in coming. But we can change how to movement forward on COVID-xix and other issues that we must face together.

I recently visited New York City Police Department days after the funerals of Officer Wilbert Mora and his partner, Officer Jason Rivera.

They were responding to a 911 telephone call when a man shot and killed them with a stolen gun.

Officer Mora was 27 years old. Officer Rivera was 22 years erstwhile. Both Dominican Americans who grew upwardly in the aforementioned streets that they later chose to patrol every bit police force officers.

I spoke with their families, and I told them that nosotros are forever in debt for their sacrifices and we'll carry on their mission to restore the trust and safety in every community it deserves.

Similar some of you that take been around for a while — I've worked with you on these issues for a long fourth dimension. I know what works: Investing in crime prevention and customs policing — cops who walk the vanquish, who know the neighborhood, and who tin restore trust and rubber.

Crime Prevention

Permit'southward non abandon our streets or cull betwixt condom and equal justice. Let's come together and protect our communities, restore trust, and agree law enforcement accountable.

That'due south why the Justice Department has required body cameras, banned chokeholds, and restricted no-knock warrants for its officers.

That'south why the American Rescue Plan that yous all provided $350 billion that cities, states, and counties can utilize to hire more than law, invest in more proven strategies like customs violence interruption, trusted messengers breaking the bicycle of violence and trauma and giving immature people some hope.

We should all hold the answer is not to defund the police.

It'southward to fund the police. Fund them. Fund them. Fund them with the resource and preparation — resources and training they demand to protect our communities.

I ask Democrats and Republicans alike to pass my budget and go on our neighborhoods safe.

And we'll practise everything in my power to crack down on gun trafficking of ghost guns that yous tin buy online, gather at home — no serial numbers, can't be traced.

I ask Congress to pass proven measures to reduce gun violence. Pass universal background checks. Why should anyone on the terrorist list exist able to purchase a weapon. Why? Why?

And, folks, ban assault weapons with high-chapters magazines that hold upwards to 100 rounds. You recall the deer are wearing Kevlar vests?

Look, repeal the liability shield that makes gun manufacturers the only industry in America that can't exist sued — the only 1. Imagine had we washed that with the tobacco manufactures.

These laws don't borrow on the Second Amendment; they save lives.

Gun Violence

The most cardinal right in America is the right to vote and take it counted. And wait, it's under assault.

In country subsequently state, new laws have been passed not but to suppress the vote — we've been in that location before — only to subvert the entire election. We tin't allow this happen.

Tonight, I call on the Senate to pass — pass the Freedom to Vote Act. Laissez passer the John Lewis Act — Voting Rights Human activity. And while y'all're at it, pass the DISCLOSE Act then Americans know who is funding our elections.

Look, tonight, I'd — I'd similar to accolade someone who has dedicated his life to serve this country: Justice Breyer — an Army veteran, Constitutional scholar, retiring Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Justice Breyer, thank y'all for your service. Cheers, thank you, thank y'all. I mean information technology. Go up. Stand — let me see y'all. Cheers.

And nosotros all know — no matter what your ideology, we all know ane of the nearly serious constitutional responsibilities a President has is nominating someone to serve on the The states Supreme Courtroom.

Every bit I did iv days ago, I've nominated a Circuit Court of Appeals — Ketanji Brown Jackson. 1 of our nation's height legal minds who will continue in only Brey- — Justice Breyer's legacy of excellence. A former superlative litigator in individual practice, a old federal public defender from a family of public-school educators and police officers — she'southward a consensus builder.

Since she'south been nominated, she'south received a broad range of back up, including the Congenial Order of Police and former judges appointed past Democrats and Republicans.

Judge Ketanji Dark-brown Jackson

Since she'southward been nominated, she'southward received a broad range of support, including the Fraternal Guild of Police and former judges appointed by Democrats and Republicans.

Folks, if we are to advance freedom and justice, we demand to secure our edge and fix the immigration organisation.

And equally you might guess, I think we can do both. At our edge, we've installed new technology, like cutting-edge scanners, to ameliorate detect drug smuggling.

Nosotros've set up joint patrols with Mexico and Guatemala to grab more human being traffickers.

We're putting in place dedicated immigration judges in pregnant larger number then families fleeing persecution and violence can have their cases — cases heard faster — and those who aren't legitimately here tin can exist sent dorsum.

We're screening — we're securing commitments and supporting partners in South and Fundamental America to host more than refugees and secure their own borders.

We can practice all this while keeping lit the torch of liberty that has led the generation of immigrants to this land — my forebearers and many of yours.

Provide a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers — those with temporary status, farmworkers, essential workers. To revise our laws so businesses take workers they need and families don't wait decades to reunite.

It's not only the right thing to do, it's economically smart thing to do. That's why the immigration reform is supported by everyone from labor unions to religious leaders to the U.S. Bedroom of Commerce. Let's get it washed once and for all.

Folks, advancing freedom and justice too requires protecting the rights of women. The ramble correct affirmed by Roe v. Wade, standing precedent for half a century, is nether attack as never before.

If you want to go forwards non backwards, we must protect access to healthcare; preserve a woman's right to choose — and proceed to advance maternal healthcare for all Americans.

Roe v. Wade

And folks, for our LGBTQ+ Americans, allow's finally get the bipartisan Equality Act to my desk. The onslaught of land laws targeting transgender Americans and their families — it's but wrong.

As I said last twelvemonth, especially to our younger transgender Americans, I'll always accept your back as your President so you tin be yourself and reach your God-given potential.

Bipartisan Equality Act

Folks as I've but demonstrated, while it often appears we exercise not agree and that — we — we practice agree on a lot more things than we acknowledge.

I signed 80 bipartisan bills into law last year, from preventing government shutdowns, to protecting Asian Americans from withal-too-common hate crimes, to reforming military justice. And nosotros'll soon exist strengthening the Violence Confronting Women Act that I first wrote three decades ago.

And information technology's important — it's important for us to prove — to show the nation that nosotros can come together and do big things.

So tonight, I'one thousand offering a "Unity Calendar for the Nation": four big things we can do together, in my view.

Unity Agenda

President Biden's Unity Agenda

Kickoff, beat out the opioid epidemic. There's so much we can do: increase funding for prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery; get rid of outdated rules and stop doctors and — that cease doctors from prescribing treatments; cease the menstruum of illicit drugs by working with land and local police enforcement to become subsequently the traffickers.

And if you're suffering from addiction, you know — y'all should know you're not alone. I believe in recovery, and I celebrate the 23 million — 23 million Americans in recovery.

2nd, permit's accept on mental health — especially amongst our children, whose lives and educational activity have been turned upside down.

The American Rescue Plan gave schools money to rent teachers and aid students make up for lost learning. I urge every parent to brand certain your school — your schoolhouse does merely that. They have the money.

We can all play a part. Sign up to exist a tutor or a mentor.

Children were also struggling before the pandemic: bullying, violence, trauma, and the harms of social media.

As Frances Haugen, who is here this night with us, has shown, we must hold social media platforms accountable for the national experiment they're conducting on our children for profit. Folks — thanks. Thank you for the courage yous showed.

It's time to strengthen privacy protections; ban targeted advertising to children; demand tech companies stop collecting personal data on our children.

Social Media Platforms

Hold Social Media Platforms Accountable

And let'due south get all Americans the mental health services they need — more than people tin can plough for aid and full parity betwixt physical and mental healthcare if we care for information technology that style in our insurance.

Look, the third piece of that agenda is support our veterans. Veterans are the courage and the spine of this country. They're the best of u.s..

I've always believed that we have a sacred obligation to equip those we transport to war and care for those and their family unit when they come domicile.

My administration is providing assistance and task training and housing, and at present helping lower-income veterans get VA care debt free.

And our troops in Republic of iraq take faced — and Afghanistan — have faced many dangers. One beingness stationed at bases, breathing in toxic smoke from burn pits. Many of you have been there. I've been in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan over 40 times. These burn pits that incinerate waste — the wastes of war, medical and hazardous material, jet fuel, and so much more.

And they come up home — many of the world's fittest and best trained warriors in the world — never the same: headaches, numbness, dizziness, a cancer that would put them in a flag-draped coffin. I know.

One of those — one of those soldiers was my son, Major Beau Biden. I don't know for sure if the burn down pit that he lived almost — that his hooch was nearly in Iraq and, earlier than that, in Kosovo is the cause of his brain cancer and the disease of so many other troops. But I'chiliad committed to detect out everything we can.

Committed to armed forces families like Danielle Robinson from Ohio, the widow of Sergeant First Grade Heath Robinson. He was born a soldier. Army National Guard. Combat medic in Kosovo and Iraq. Stationed virtually Baghdad, just yards from burn pits the size of football fields.

Danielle is here with usa tonight. They loved going to Ohio State football game games. And he loved building Legos with their daughter. But cancer from prolonged exposure to fire pits ravaged Heath's lungs and body.

Danielle says Heath was a fighter to the very end. He didn't know how to stop fighting, and neither did she.

Through her pain, she establish purpose to demand that we do better. Tonight, Danielle, nosotros are going to do better.

The VA — the VA is pioneering new ways of linking toxic exposures to disease, already helping more veterans get benefits. And this night, I'one thousand announcing we're expanding eligibility to veterans suffering from 9 respiratory cancers.


I'm also calling on Congress to pass a law to brand certain veterans devastated by toxic exposure in Iraq and Transitional islamic state of afghanistan finally get the benefits and the comprehensive healthcare they deserve.

And quaternary and last, let's end cancer equally we know it. This is personal. This is personal to me and to Jill and to Kamala so many of you. So many of yous have lost someone y'all love — husband, wife, son, girl, mom, dad.

Cancer is the number-two cause of decease in America, second simply to heart disease.

Last calendar month, I announced the plan to supercharge the Cancer Moonshot that President Obama asked me to pb half-dozen years ago.

Cancer Moonshot

Our goal is to cut cancer death rates past at least 50 pct over the adjacent 25 years. And I think we tin can exercise improve than that: turn cancers from decease sentences into treatable diseases, more support for patients and families.

To become there, I call on Congress to fund what I called ARPA-H: Advanced — Advanced Enquiry Projects Agency for Health. Patterned subsequently DARPA in the Defense Department, projects that led — in DARPA — to the Internet, GPS, and and then much more that make our forces more than safer and exist able to wage war more than — with more clarity.

ARPA-H will have a singular purpose to bulldoze breakthroughs in cancer, Alzheimer's, and diabetes, and more.

A Unity Agenda for the nation. Nosotros tin can do these things. It'south within our power. And I don't see a partisan edge to whatever one of those four things.

My beau Americans — tonight we've gathered in a sacred space: the citadel of democracy. In this Capitol, generation after generation of Americans have debated great questions amid nifty strife and accept washed slap-up things.

Nosotros accept fought for freedom, expanded freedom, defeated totalitarianism and terror. We built the strongest, freest, and nearly prosperous nation the world has e'er known.

Now is the hour: our moment of responsibility, our examination of resolve and conscience of history itself. It is in this moment that our character of this generation is formed, our purpose is plant, our future is forged.

Well, I know this nation. Nosotros'll encounter the test, protect freedom and liberty, aggrandize fairness and opportunity. And we volition save democracy.

As difficult as those times take been, I'thou more than optimistic well-nigh America today than I've been my whole life because I encounter the futurity that's inside our grasp, because I know in that location is just goose egg beyond our camas- — our chapters.

We're the merely nation on Earth that has always turned every crisis we've faced into an opportunity, the only nation that can exist divers by a single give-and-take: possibilities.

And so, on this night, on our 245th year every bit a nation, I've come to report on the country of the nation — the state of the union. And my report is this: The State of the Matrimony is strong because you, the American people, are strong.

Nosotros are stronger today — we are stronger today than we were a twelvemonth ago. And we'll be stronger a year from at present than we are today.

The State of the Marriage

This is our moment to meet and overcome the challenges of our fourth dimension. And nosotros will, as one people, one America — the The states of America.

God bless you all. And may God protect our troops. Thank y'all. Go become 'em.
